Virtual Solar Observatory

Application Programming Interface

New! RPC/Literal API

As RPC/Encoded has been deprecated by the Axis and some other SOAP toolkits, we now have an RPC/Literal endpoint.

(and yes, I know, I need to merge all of this in with the other documentation at

version 1.2 (RPC/Encoded)

API Documentation (HTML); (POD)
A detailed explaination of the information exchanged between user interfaces and the Virtual Solar Observatory
API Description (WSDL)
A description of an example service in Web Services Description Language to generate code stubs -- please note, the example WSDL only lists one port, but there are multiple instances running.
VSO Nicknames (XML)
A listing of the nickname translations in use by the VSO web interface.
Keywords List (TEXT)
Keywords List (XML)
A list of keywords used in communications with VSO
Coming soon: A complete re-design of the VSO as an MVC framework with a collection of APIs and full ReadTheDocs documenation.

For more information, or to contact the programmers on the VSO team, please visit the Virtual Solar Observatory Website